> Since the Papyrus is indeed making Nascar 2, I began to wonder about the Track
> Pack. I hope that the current version of the Track Pack will be compatible
> with Nascar 2. I would be disappointed if I had to go out and buy another
> one. It's bad enough that a patch for Talladega isn't being made......
I think it is more likely that they will box NASCAR 2 with the full
set of tracks (like IndyCar Racing 2). It's difficult to know how
else they can see themselves adding sufficient "value" to the existing
NASCAR product to make it attractive to gamers, but I would imagine
that they might consider the following areas:
- include Hawaii support in the boxed game
- improved sound - pit/car radio
- possibly even car/pit radio for those with
microphones (as long as it doesn't hog too
many CPU cycles with voice recognition).
- enhanced replay features (e.g. more intelligent replays which
mimick those you get in a real broadcast; switching between the
different camera views and following all the on-track action. Could
also have a commentator feature).
- Windows 95 support
- support for many different 3D graphics accelerator boards
- even more enhanced driver A.I.
What does everyone else think??