down, so it feels like a real car's. I can't stand having one foot on
the acceletor and one on the brake at the same time, and if I put it
upside down, I can use one foot to control both accelerate and brakes.
Does anybody else do this?
>>Does anybody know the difference between the CH Pedals and the CH Pro
>>Pedals? I know that the Pro Pedals has toe brakes, and would like to
>>know what toe brakes do and if it is really necessary.
>pro pedals slide back and forth, as well as pivot. CH pedals just
>pivot, like car pedals. toe brakes are on airplanes that allow you
>stop steer the plane on the ground, with a left and right application
>of pressure. you only use toe brakes on flight sims. I've got the CH
>pedals and love them.