I've had GP2 for some time and it would install fine on my old P133 but now
that I have my new computer I can't get it to run properly.
It installs fine but fails to find the soundcard which is an Ensoniq
Soundscape, its the same card that was in my P133 so I can't see what the
problem should be now. I'm also using the latest drivers for it from the
Ensoniq web page.
It says in the readme file that you should enter the IRQ settings etc manually
if this happens but I can't see how and where you can enter the settings
manually, maybe I'm just missing the obvious or something.
I would really appreciate any comments either by email or posted on here. I
never really played it a great deal on my old system because of the frame rate
but now that I have a new 200mhz machine I'd really like to get back into it..
Thanks in advance...-David