On 10 Jun 1999 10:19:09 GMT "Alan Strang"
>Quick question: is there a group of GPL players based in the UK who kinda
>'hang-out' together? I know of the UKGPL Championship, but I'm looking for
>something a bit less formal - a group who discuss this fine game, help each
>other get better, and have regular online races. Having played GPL for two
>to three months now, I've now got past the "crashing all the time" phase
>and am looking to move onto the next level, so to speak. If anyone can
>point me in the right direction I'd be very grateful.
I wouldn't write off UKGPL. Its not really got going as a fiercely
competitive championship both because of lack of hosts and actually
because we want to create fun racing rather than highly competitive
(the better drives try to drive uncompetitive cars). There is an
e-mail list that is friendly chat and with lots of good advice which
is as important as the racing.
Just pop over to
and sign yourself up - or if you want to just hang out for the chat
then click on the link at the bottom of the page to onelist.com to
connect yourself to a mailing list for the group.
As well as an on-line racing series have had some unofficial offline
races of the same circuit (actually only 4 of us seem to do this).
Even if you don't get involved in any of this at least you can find
some names you recognise and then meet them on vroc (host your own
Come on over