> > Like the web page says, we're racing like this because we want to
> > race with people that we know (and trust) are maintaining their
> > driving skill.
> Wasn't it Tom Pabst who turned his nose up at Rascar and said something
> like "I've earned the right to choose who I want to race
> with/against"?
> I recall him being slammed that Rascar was for the members of RAS rather
> than an elite group and to go away.
> Food for thought?
> Tony "Citizen" Rickard
> RAS Popular Front
RASCAR races with 20+ cautions, you can probably understand why I
want to race with people that are also interested in a good race, and
that are committed enough to put some practice time in before showing
up for a race.
The reason we set RASCAR up was so that we'd have a place to race
without having to deal with wreckers and idiots that dominate the
pickup races on Sierra, but at the same time, didn't have to worry
about standings or points. IMHO, it's only right to expect that
EVERYONE be ready for every race, and that if they're on the roster,
they should be expected to make every attempt to attend the majority
of races.
If someone takes a number and then just doesn't show up, they could
be preventing someone else from joining that wants to use that
number, and who would show up every week, but they won't join because
they want to use the car they've been using elsewhere.
I think it's just plain rude to ask for a spot on the roster, only to
have the time Eldred and I spend on allowing that person to race be
reduced to a complete waste.