>. I just
>> don't buy (claimed) simulations if the demo doesn't have the full
>> physics.
>Then in that case, Rem, you must have very, very few sims!
>Then in that case, Rem, you must have very, very few sims!
After some more time with the demo I must say it isn't the physics,
but the lack of feedback what annoys me. Maybe this is better when
you use FF? The engine/tires sound doesn't give me any information.
Please don't think this is another way to pick on the game, I am just
trying to figure out what I am doing wrong.
Anticipation is not an easy thing to simulate on a computer. So, being what
it is, DTR aint half bad. And you know how I feel about circle jer.. er...
Mark Jeangerard
New Mexico USA
> The fastest drivers had the car pointed ahead down the straight as they
> drifting out of the bend. Accelerating then straightened the car and
> opposite lock was wound off.
> If you get the opportunity to drive on a dirt area (and rally driving is
> of the best class-rooms) then this method of cornering, particularly in a
> rear-wheel drive car, comes very quickly and perfectly naturally.
> --
> Regards,
> Bruce Kennewell,
> Canberra, Australia.
> ---------------------------
> > I'm lost too Ron.... no reference frame. Assuming the setups in the demo
> are
> > on the conservative side, I don't think there's cause to doubt the
> > responsiveness of the cars in the final product though.
> > Question remains... how do you drive one of these things?? -Do you
> > the slide or just let it happen "naturally" from going in a little too
> hot??
> > And... how do you keep it going all the way round the turn? -I just
> > figure it out!
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This technique IS possible in DTR.
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.