DTR.. Is it just me ?

Remco Moe

DTR.. Is it just me ?

by Remco Moe » Thu, 11 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>. I just
>> don't buy (claimed) simulations if the demo doesn't have the full
>> physics.

>Then in that case, Rem, you must have very, very few sims!

Yeah, but I've a lot of demos....<g>


Remco Moe

DTR.. Is it just me ?

by Remco Moe » Thu, 11 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>The full physics ARE in the demo, I believe

Oh, I should know better then believe people here in the newsgroup.
(You bad boy you, James! <g>). If this is the case, then my attack on
Ratbag targetting the Arcade market only with the demo was plain
wrong, my excuses for that.

After some more time with the demo I must say it isn't the physics,
but the lack of feedback what annoys me. Maybe this is better when
you use FF? The engine/tires sound doesn't give me any information.

Please don't think this is another way to pick on the game, I am just
trying to figure out what I am doing wrong.


mark jeangerar

DTR.. Is it just me ?

by mark jeangerar » Fri, 12 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Absolutely. One of the most fun aspects of driving a car. Unfortunately they
missed the mark in DTR and this technique is not possible. You can get
something that resembles it (slightly) but it is definitely no better than
SODA which is a couple of years old. Over all, I'd have to say SODA's
physics are better.

Anticipation is not an easy thing to simulate on a computer. So, being what
it is, DTR aint half bad. And you know how I feel about circle jer.. er...

Mark Jeangerard
New Mexico USA

> Having driven in a few low-key rallies and other dirt-track stuff many
> ago,  I recall that the drivers actually "threw" the car into a
> other words, they deliberately invoked the slide then
> it in the slide by using opposite-lock in combination with the
> The bes of the drivers would get an ideal balance betwen lock and throttle
> so that the car was perfectly balanced through the curve.

> The fastest drivers had the car pointed ahead down the straight as they
> drifting out of the bend. Accelerating then straightened the car and
> opposite lock was wound off.

> If you get the opportunity to drive on a dirt area (and rally driving is
> of the best class-rooms) then this method of cornering, particularly in a
> rear-wheel drive car, comes very quickly and perfectly naturally.
> --
> Regards,
> Bruce Kennewell,
> Canberra, Australia.
> ---------------------------

> > I'm lost too Ron.... no reference frame. Assuming the setups in the demo
> are
> > on the conservative side, I don't think there's cause to doubt the
> > responsiveness of the cars in the final product though.

> > Question remains... how do you drive one of these things?? -Do you
> > the slide or just let it happen "naturally" from going in a little too
> hot??
> > And... how do you keep it going all the way round the turn? -I just
> > figure it out!

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DTR.. Is it just me ?

by mark_rael4.. » Fri, 12 Nov 1999 04:00:00

This technique IS possible in DTR.


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