10-15 seconds? This is on the demo tracks? You must be a hell of a driver, I
can only manage a 15.98 on the 3/8 mile track and the 1/2 mile tracks are in
the 17 and 20 second range. Am I missing something, please enlighten.
> "arcade" driving model for the demo....yup, I can.
> >The retail will have a full driving model.
> Cool! Too bad I won't buy it, since I am obvious not
> the target market. I don't like Arcade games....
> (I am sure they would include the "Real" physics in the
> demo if they were proud of it, and since they don't...)
> Remco
Remember, Papy was so proud of GPL's driving model that they stuck it
right in the demo as-is, without dumbing it down at all. In fact, GPL
wasn't adjustable in any way -- if you're so proud, why bother with
adding any adjustments to make it more accessible to anything but the
most experienced sim racers?
And look at the results: 45,000 happy buyers, give or take a few who
weren't so satisfied.
I think the objective with DTR was to make it ACCESSIBLE to everyone,
and SATISFYING to both the novice AND the *** racer. I think
Ratbag has done a great job of reaching this goal, and I'm sure they
shouldn't have any problem selling ten times as many copies as Papy did
of GPL. And as a result, there are going to be a lot of happy drivers
out there, ranging from the novices to the *** nutcases.
Count me in as one of those happy nutcases.
By the way, if you're not their target market, then were do you fall?
Given that the target spans the spectrum from novices to ***
nutcases that doesn't leave much else -- should we mark you down as
hack or a Jedi? <G>
-- JB
Sent via Deja.com http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Before you buy.
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.
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The fastest drivers had the car pointed ahead down the straight as they came
drifting out of the bend. Accelerating then straightened the car and
opposite lock was wound off.
If you get the opportunity to drive on a dirt area (and rally driving is one
of the best class-rooms) then this method of cornering, particularly in a
rear-wheel drive car, comes very quickly and perfectly naturally.
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.
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> Well I have to say I do like DTR, im not sure if the driveing model is
> correct or not as I havent ever drove a car like these. Anyway I do
> see some promblems with the game, 1 is with the AI in the game
> there is no way to get them to spin out while raceing them, I have
> tried all night lats night 10+ cars in the race and I set the AI level
> so I would allways be in the pack, anyway as much as I tried to nudge
> them in the backend side to get them to spin there is just no way they
> would I have even hit them square on in the rear quarter as im comeing
> into a turn and the ***s just seem to apply more opposite lock and
> carry on, so to me it looks like the AI is very scripted and doesnt
> want to have any driver flaws like a human player, online this is very
> diffrent and cars can easy be nudged to spin.
> BTW I also have Powerslide the first game by these guys and the AI in
> that game definatly make mistakes, much more than in DTR. To me the AI
> in DTR feel very canned and boring to race. I will get the game though
> as I have many friends who will play this with me and this so far is
> where it will be a winner with me.
> Also there is a promblem with the use of FF joysticks in this game, I
> dont use the FF effects with my Saitek R4 FF as they slow the game
> down for me, but because i have them ticked as off in the game it has
> taken the tension off the wheel aswell, in the Powerslide game you can
> untick FF but the wheel still retains the tension settings.
I think this game is going to be great.
Hope I can get it in Australia real soon.
Hey John!
>> Cool! Too bad I won't buy it, since I am obvious not
>> the target market. I don't like Arcade games....
>> (I am sure they would include the "Real" physics in the
>> demo if they were proud of it, and since they don't...)
>That's a pretty arrogant statement, Remco, given that you probably
>haven't sampled the final version with the "real" physics. I have, and
>I think Ratbag should definitely be proud of with their final version
>of DTR, and I think a lot of people will agree with me when it's
If Ratbag is also targetting the *** market, then why leave the
full physics out of the demo?
In general I'm a nutcase too. <g>
> Hey John!
> >> >The retail will have a full driving model.
> >> Cool! Too bad I won't buy it, since I am obvious not
> >> the target market. I don't like Arcade games....
> >> (I am sure they would include the "Real" physics in the
> >> demo if they were proud of it, and since they don't...)
> >That's a pretty arrogant statement, Remco, given that you probably
> >haven't sampled the final version with the "real" physics. I have,
> >I think Ratbag should definitely be proud of with their final version
> >of DTR, and I think a lot of people will agree with me when it's
> >released.
> Arrogant? I disagree. More an opinion based on experience. I just
> don't buy (claimed) simulations if the demo doesn't have the full
> physics. I am happy for you that you like the game, but I've learned
> the hard way not to assume the opinion of someone else is the same as
> mine.
> If Ratbag is also targetting the *** market, then why leave the
> full physics out of the demo?
The full physics ARE in the demo, I believe -- what's missing is the
ability to adjust and tweak the car setups. You're dealing with an
"IROC" version of DTR, essentially, where you're stuck with one default
setup. It's going to seem somewhat arcade-like, but let me tell you
from experience, the setups make as much difference in DTR as they do
in games like Viper Racing, SCGT, and GPL.
Ratbag left the demo simple to make it more appealing to everybody. If
you're an arcade fan, then DTR should have some appeal as-is, and if
you're a *** sim fan, you should be able to see the potential in
the basic physics engine.
So spend that piddly $19.95 when it comes out, and THEN decide whether
it's an arcade racer or not. Surely you've paid more than that for
more disappointing games in the past! <G>
-- JB
Sent via Deja.com http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Before you buy.
And you know this for a fact, do you?
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.
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Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.
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Then in that case, Rem, you must have very, very few sims!
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.
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http://www.newsfeeds.com The Largest Usenet Servers in the World!
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Are you guys are setting a bad example! ; )
> > >Can you say "arcade" driving model for the demo?
> > >I knew you could :)
> > "arcade" driving model for the demo....yup, I can.
> > >The retail will have a full driving model.
> > Cool! Too bad I won't buy it, since I am obvious not
> > the target market. I don't like Arcade games....
> > (I am sure they would include the "Real" physics in the
> > demo if they were proud of it, and since they don't...)
> > Remco
> That's a pretty arrogant statement, Remco, given that you probably
> haven't sampled the final version with the "real" physics. I have, and
> I think Ratbag should definitely be proud of with their final version
> of DTR, and I think a lot of people will agree with me when it's
> released.
> Remember, Papy was so proud of GPL's driving model that they stuck it
> right in the demo as-is, without dumbing it down at all. In fact, GPL
> wasn't adjustable in any way -- if you're so proud, why bother with
> adding any adjustments to make it more accessible to anything but the
> most experienced sim racers?
> And look at the results: 45,000 happy buyers, give or take a few who
> weren't so satisfied.
> I think the objective with DTR was to make it ACCESSIBLE to everyone,
> and SATISFYING to both the novice AND the *** racer. I think
> Ratbag has done a great job of reaching this goal, and I'm sure they
> shouldn't have any problem selling ten times as many copies as Papy did
> of GPL. And as a result, there are going to be a lot of happy drivers
> out there, ranging from the novices to the *** nutcases.
> Count me in as one of those happy nutcases.
> By the way, if you're not their target market, then were do you fall?
> Given that the target spans the spectrum from novices to ***
> nutcases that doesn't leave much else -- should we mark you down as
> hack or a Jedi? <G>
> -- JB
> Sent via Deja.com http://www.racesimcentral.net/
> Before you buy.
I completely agree with your statement. Why would you target the
*** sim market,then spend the time to release a demo to get our racing
juices flowing,only to leave out the full physics? I would think that you
would give us the best you got,so that we would line up to buy DTR,rather
than waiting to review the reviews.
Joel Willstein