> Sorry to go off topic but all I use my computer for is racing. GPL & N3
> Anyway, I need to clean up my system. I am running W95 which was an upgrade
> to 3.1 and I have acumulated so much ***in the past two years my Windows
> directory is about 75 MB.
> I dont want to reformat because I'm not really sure how to make a setup disk
> w/ my CD rom drivers. Is there a way to clean up windows?
> I have my orignal W95 CD & I also have W98 orignal release.
> What do you folks recommend? I appreciate any help you can offer.
> Have a great New Year all!!!
Or, just add the MSCDEX.exe file to your boot disk. However, I don't
think W98 is available as anything but an upgrade. Don't know which you
have for your W95, upgrade or full version.
Hope this helps some. I fear it may have muddied the waters somewhat.
//Chuck Kandler #70
//ChuckK or KS70 on Won.net
//K&S Racing
//The box said "Windows 0x5f or better", so I installed LINUX!
Don Burnette
Dburn in N3 and Legends
If you have a Win98 original installation set, you have the Win98 install
disk which contains universal CD-ROM drivers, UNLIKE the Win95 install
If you try a reinstall with an old DOS disk and have a hard drive over 1 or
2 GIG, you are S.O.L. You won't be able to partition the whole disk. If
your W95 install is working well, go to "Startup Disk" in Control Panel |
Add remove programs and create a startup disk, then, make sure your
autoexec.bat and config.sys are on the disk along with any files referenced
for CD drivers (mscdex.exe, XXXXXXXX.sys), modifying the path in those files
to point to the A: drive instead of C:\windows\system, or whatever it says.
You should be able to boot and see your CD-ROM then.
If you have Win98 installation disks handy, I suggest you use them instead.
Win98s startup disk is very useful, Win95s is not.
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> Doug,
> It never hurts to do a reformat and complete new install of windows every
> now and then. I try to do mine about once a year just to clean the cobwebs
> out. It really helps in keeping your system at peak performance.
> Rather than try to go into detail of how to go about accomplishing this,
> I'll point you to a website that I saw and referenced to back when I did
> mine earlier this year. It covers both win95 and win98. If you have win98
> and do this, I'd recommend going ahead and upgrading to it.
> Reformatting and reinstalling is time consuming and a pain, kind of like
> spring cleaning at home :) If you do that though, make sure have have backed
> up all your important data files to be able to copy back over.
> Check out this website for more reformatting info:
> http://www.netpathway.com/~kramer/reinstall.html
> Don Burnette
> Dburn in N3 and Legends
//Chuck Kandler #70
//ChuckK or KS70 on Won.net
//K&S Racing
//The box said "Windows 0x5f or better", so I installed LINUX!