>Is there any driving simulator out there (old or new, don't care which
>series) that has a feature or third-party tool to use custom tracks?
>If I remember right, there was a track editor available for the old 'Pole
>Position' for Atari.
>Was a pain to use, but better than nothing...
>Is there anything with this capability that's a bit more recent?
Get/find/steal/borrow Stunts! by Broderbund, circa 1990. There was a
1.1 update. You could make yoru own tracks withe a cool editor, beleive me
we did.. I made over 300 tracks myself.. loops, jumps, you name it.. and
the good thing was tracks were only like 1.4k each. simple i think 50 x 50
matrix of binary numbers for the track part/mountain part. Still its
one of my favorite games/simulators of all time. Now where are my disks :)
am sure it will run fine ona Pentium pro.. it ran fine on my 286/12 and
286/40. So you need to go find it and play!! esp. loved the several bugs/
features.. where youd hit a jump wrong and get shot traight up in the
air abotu 20 miles and come back down, and the one wehred youd shoot
across the field/plains at 300 mph forever and ever till you hit the "invisible
wall" whereupon youd often get shot back up in the air. too bad you coulgnt
edit your car (proby could, just dindt know of how.
Charles Evans