wrong!!! If you haven't read the previous posts, basically I was trying to
get the brakes in GPL to feel more like they do in NR2002 or GTR2002. In
both cases the spot at which the brakes really start to work coincides
roughly with the spot where the pedal on the Momo Racing starts to get
firmer, which makes braking very predictable and repeatable in those games.
In GPL OTOH it hardly takes a touch to get them working, so I was finding it
very difficult to go back and forth between GPL and the other games. I
thought that I could tweak the axis range and sensitivity in the Logitech
Profiler to fix the feel. You can, but it turned out I was going about it
the wrong way.
I couldn't figure out why the changes I made often had unexpected results,
so today I tried making one change at a time and each time got into GPL and
looked at the values it was receiving. It is basically all backwards from
what I originally said. The brake axis on the Momo Racing (and most likely
on other Logitech pedals) is inverted, i.e. the max value is when the brake
is off and the min value is when the brake is full on. But the profiler
looks at it as a generic axis and therefore adjusts the range and
sensitivity based only on the values that it sees. As a result, setting the
axis range to 80% cut both the high and low end values and meant that I was
dragging the brakes all the time! The weird thing is it was hardly
noticeable. I noticed my average lap times at Monza went up about 0.2 or
so, but I'm so inconsistent anyway it took me a while to realize that
something was wrong. So stay away from axis range tweaking.
Secondly, sensitivity works the opposite of what you would expect. Low
sensitivity increases precision in the low range of axis values, therefore
increasing the precision when the brake is nearly full on. To increase the
precision and reduce the response rate when the brake is nearly off, you
need to *increase* the sensitivity. I found that somewhere around 55% to
60% felt pretty good. And this time it was consistent from car to car and
the lap times don't appear to be suffering.
Anyway, sorry for the confusion, and I hope this helps somebody.