Oh my, after all the comments about GPL, what can I say?
Today I received my import copy of it, together with F1RS2.
Damn, how shall I handle two great sims on one day? Ok,
so let's start with GPL. Un-beep-ing believable! For the
very first time I was really scared driving a sim on my PC.
Up to now I admired those drivers, now I think of them as
brainless lunatics... ;^)
One little thing besides all of the ones mentioned a dozen
times before struck me in GPL. Going through slow corners
the car moves like a car! This was something I always hated
about ICR2 and N2 (and all the other sims).
After 2 hours I quit GPL and used the install time for F1RS2
to regain a comfortable pulse rate. Then the shock! Damn you,
GPL, you actually ruined F1RS2 for me... John, you told me and
I didn't believe it, now I do! I just hope that I regain interest
in it in the near future.
Eeeh, I'm writing this, so I'm out of GPL for about 10 minutes
now and I'm on cold turkey already!!
How to get rid of censorship in German game releases
|\ _,,,---,,_ I want to die like my Grandfather,
ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ in his sleep.
|,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Not like the people in his car,
'---''(_/--' `-'\_) screaming their heads off!