ICR and IICC series.

Bryon La

ICR and IICC series.

by Bryon La » Wed, 17 May 1995 04:00:00

        I was just wondering how people in these series legally use
registered trademarks and company names as sponsors when these companies
do not give them money?  Or do they?  If they do not (and with the
current White House), you better be careful or you may get raided.  (This
is not a threat of any kind, because I like the series idea and I want to
join, but I cannout if I do not get any info after registering twice.  I
even bought the track-pack just for this series.)


What's so wrong with a tax cut anyway.
Bryon S. Lape
Hodges Library in the department formerly known as "Automation"
Proud owner of two songs banned from MTV.
Suffering from political correctness deficiency syndrome.

Peter Burk

ICR and IICC series.

by Peter Burk » Thu, 18 May 1995 04:00:00

>>        I was just wondering how people in these series legally use
>registered trademarks and company names as sponsors when these companies
>do not give them money?  Or do they?  If they do not (and with the
>current White House), you better be careful or you may get raided.  (This
>is not a threat of any kind, because I like the series idea and I want to
>join, but I cannout if I do not get any info after registering twice.  I
>even bought the track-pack just for this series.)


You know Byron - your posts just kill me  - do you have anything
constructive to say in this group? If you informed yourself a bit about
the "series you'd like to join" by maybe reading their registration
info or rules documents, you'd actually know the answer to all your
questions. But since you want to sound like mr. know-it-all with your
warnings about the current whitehouse coming to my computer and raiding
it, just because my virtual racing car claims to be sponsored by
Dunkin Donuts. Next thing I may get charged a royalty for using
the word "Ford" in a post to this forum - it's a registered trademark

And - you NEVER registered for IICC - at least not in a form that
would actually notify the series director of your intention
to do so (I am the director).  You also may have noticed that
IICC just ran its very last race this weekend - 16 races are in
the can - we are DONE - FINISHED. Signing up now is a bit late...

If you are talking about a different series - well, first get the
abbreviations straight:

IICC - Internet Indycar Championship
ICRS - Indycar Racing Series
IWCC - Internet Winner's Circle

and a few others (IGN, IROC...)

and about trademarks: if we SOLD any of these series, we actually
would have to pay royalties or get legal ok from the companies.

Division of Information Technology    | 608-262-0282
1210 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706 |

Greg Cis

ICR and IICC series.

by Greg Cis » Thu, 18 May 1995 04:00:00

>    I was just wondering how people in these series legally use
>registered trademarks and company names as sponsors when these companies
>do not give them money?  Or do they?  If they do not (and with the

It is people with nothing better to do, who come up with stuff like this.

What the hell is this? Aren't you the same person who is boycotting Papyrus?
And you buy the freakin track pack?

This funniest part is where you threaten to join the series. First you poop
all over the guy running the series. Then you want to come over & play.


I don't doubt that you never recieved any replies to your registrations.
I would have filed them too.

Perhaps a public apology might do some good. Maybe not :-)

Carman Oko

ICR and IICC series.

by Carman Oko » Thu, 18 May 1995 04:00:00


This is the Post of the YEAR!!!!! Nice going Peter!!!!

Carman Okon
Eastman Kodak Co.

Standard disclaimer

Bryon La

ICR and IICC series.

by Bryon La » Thu, 18 May 1995 04:00:00

        Yes, you obviously have not read them.

        Yes I did, make in February.  I registered for both IICC and ICR.
What's so wrong with a tax cut anyway.
Bryon S. Lape
Hodges Library in the department formerly known as "Automation"
Proud owner of two songs banned from MTV.
Suffering from political correctness deficiency syndrome.

Bryon La

ICR and IICC series.

by Bryon La » Thu, 18 May 1995 04:00:00


        Only there new game.

        I never threatened anything.

What's so wrong with a tax cut anyway.
Bryon S. Lape
Hodges Library in the department formerly known as "Automation"
Proud owner of two songs banned from MTV.
Suffering from political correctness deficiency syndrome.

Bryon La

ICR and IICC series.

by Bryon La » Thu, 18 May 1995 04:00:00

        Ahh...Here you are incorrect.  The use of a registered trademark
without consent of the holder or without a disclaimer is illegal.  To say
a business is sponsoring you when it is not is illegal.  This is a myth.
 BTW, it is illegal for you to rent a video and show it any someone elses
house or to let friends watch it at yours.  This is the law.  Stupid
isn't it.


What's so wrong with a tax cut anyway.
Bryon S. Lape
Hodges Library in the department formerly known as "Automation"
Proud owner of two songs banned from MTV.
Suffering from political correctness deficiency syndrome.

Peter Burk

ICR and IICC series.

by Peter Burk » Thu, 18 May 1995 04:00:00

>I don't doubt that you never recieved any replies to your registrations.
>I would have filed them too.

>Perhaps a public apology might do some good. Maybe not :-)

don't worry about htis guy - he's on the shit list of all people
who put time and effort into running a series. Sometimes I wonder
if this guy just wants some public attention with all the bull he
is posting here.

He just told me this in a direct email:


        Yes I did, make in February.  I registered for both IICC and ICR.


Anyone who has either participated or at least contacted me about
running in IICC will know that I ALWAYS proptly responded with info
and instructions on how thigs are run. I never got mail from him, and
now he is mailing to me - the guy running the series - this lame
message saying he registed for IICC (wanna bet he has no idea how to
do that if you ask him for instructions?), and some obscure series
called ICR...

He may try IICC 2 real soon, but somehow I wonder if he will be
able to figure out how to join...


ICR and IICC series.

by ICRS' » Fri, 19 May 1995 04:00:00

>Subject: Re: ICR and IICC series.
>Date: 17 May 1995 18:44:51 GMT

>>do you have anything
>>constructive to say in this group?
>        Yes, you obviously have not read them.

>>And - you NEVER registered for IICC - at least not in a form that
>        Yes I did, make in February.  I registered for both IICC and ICR.

I can't speak for your registration of IICC, but if you registered for ICR
series, who knows where that went.  I run the ICRS series (ICRS'95 to be
exact) and if you didn't address your registration properly, that would
explain it.  If you used the web registration form I don't know what heppened
unless you entered an invalid e-mail address.  Other than those theories, I
have no idea. And remeber, should you decide to register again, having bought
the track pack from the company you are boycotting (did I read that right?), I
reserve the right to reject any registration.  Wanna be my first?  :)

Ralf "I think I'll but a Big Mac and boycot McDonald's" Southard

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ICR and IICC series.

by ICRS' » Fri, 19 May 1995 04:00:00

>Subject: Re: ICR and IICC series.
>Date: 17 May 1995 18:46:15 GMT

>>What the hell is this? Aren't you the same person who is boycotting
>>And you buy the freakin track pack?
>        Only there new game.

"There" new game?  Where new game?  Speeling a problem with you?  And you are
trying to convinve us you've written code?  Huh-uh.

True, but you have a fascinating way of trying to overextend your welcome.

You know what?  I suddenly released that you just walked out into the middle
of the Infobahn with a sign on your back that says ROADKILL, HIT ME, PLEASE!!


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ICR and IICC series.

by ICRS' » Fri, 19 May 1995 04:00:00

>Subject: Re: ICR and IICC series.
>Date: 17 May 1995 18:52:44 GMT

>>and about trademarks: if we SOLD any of these series, we actually
>>would have to pay royalties or get legal ok from the companies.
>        Ahh...Here you are incorrect.  The use of a registered trademark
>without consent of the holder or without a disclaimer is illegal.  To say
>a business is sponsoring you when it is not is illegal.  This is a myth.
> BTW, it is illegal for you to rent a video and show it any someone elses
>house or to let friends watch it at yours.  This is the law.  Stupid
>isn't it.

Wrong again, chum.  The only things illegal about renting a video are 1)
making a copy of it and b) showing it to other person and charging an
admission price.

If I rent a video of how you hung yourself with your own keyboard cord, and
invited all my friends, we would not be breaking the law and in fact, the law
would be greatful that a confused person such as you has relieved all of us of
your ramblings.

(I do not condone suicide, except for netsurfers on skateboards)

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ICR and IICC series.

by ICRS' » Fri, 19 May 1995 04:00:00

>don't worry about htis guy - he's on the shit list of all people
>who put time and effort into running a series. Sometimes I wonder
>if this guy just wants some public attention with all the bull he
>is posting here.
>He just told me this in a direct email:

>>And - you NEVER registered for IICC - at least not in a form that
>        Yes I did, make in February.  I registered for both IICC and ICR.

He CC:'d it to the group too, as I'm sure you noticed.

Absolutely.  My participation was a mere single Hot Lap competition, yet I was
always informed of all developments.  Perhaps that's because I knew how to


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ICR and IICC series.

by ICRS' » Fri, 19 May 1995 04:00:00

>Subject: Re: ICR and IICC series.
>Date: 18 May 1995 00:58:32 GMT

>>Anyone who has either participated or at least contacted me about
>>running in IICC will know that I ALWAYS proptly responded with info
>>and instructions on how thigs are run.
>        Geese, talk about me in the third person.

Third person?  Where is this coming from?

Criticism is a poor choice of word for antagonism, annoying, buillheadedness,
and general not-knowing-of-what-he-speaks.


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Bryon La

ICR and IICC series.

by Bryon La » Fri, 19 May 1995 04:00:00

        Geese, talk about me in the third person.  I did fill out forms
for both series, but I am not sure which machine it was on.  If it was on
the Indy and your form required the local machine to have a mail server
running, it may not have gone out.  If it was a form based CGI on the Web
server side, then I have no idea.  The fact you never got it does not
mean I did not send it.
        BTW, why am I on a "shit list" anyway?  You people cannot take

What's so wrong with a tax cut anyway.
Bryon S. Lape
Hodges Library in the department formerly known as "Automation"
Proud owner of two songs banned from MTV.
Suffering from political correctness deficiency syndrome.

Peter Burk

ICR and IICC series.

by Peter Burk » Fri, 19 May 1995 04:00:00

>>And - you NEVER registered for IICC - at least not in a form that

>    Yes I did, make in February.  I registered for both IICC and ICR.

I am beginning to have fun at this - you not only have no clue about
what youare talking about - you keep posting more of the same as if
you are just asking for flames...

Here - for all to read and enjoy  - a copy of our recent email


Subject: Re: ICR and IICC series.

THERE IS NO FORM FOR IICC...  what have geese to do with this???

"it was in the Indy" ??? what does that mean? What's the name
of "my machine"?

on the Web

what on earth are you dreaming about??? my machine runs a damn
ftp site and there are a few files you need to download that
are plain text. They tell you to send email to me, nothing
else - nothing a computer forces you to do. My web site has NO
forms and no registration info - all it has is a bunch of pix
and results, as well as the 43kb text file explaining the
rules. You MUST have been on some other site - ergo not
registering for IICC...

No matter what you did - if somebody doesn't receive a mail
message - it WILL bounce back to you. Since your stuff went
somewhere (and I know it didn't arrive in my mail box) it
means you didn't register for IICC - and since that is what
you claimed in the first place, you are again proven wrong -
you never DID register for IICC. So next time you go out in
public claiming the director of IICC does not respond check
your facts before opening your mouth.

If your criticism had any basis - but so far I heard only
bullshit from you - therefor I hardly can call this crticism.
Needless to say - once IICC 2 rolls around your chances to
race with us are pretty much zero - we do this for fun, and
you don't seem to be one of those participants I'd like to
deal with under that premise...

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