I have an autochat message that states
"I cannot type n drive - PLZ ask me later about that one THX"
Tim White
INTRAC Motorsports
> On Fri, 19 Apr 2002 13:55:06 GMT, Brian Oster
> >What does everyone use to communicate? I know they can't be typing
> >while racing so I am assuming they are using something like game
> >commander, but is it possible to program it to be able to communicate
> >free form? By that I mean, it doesn't look like all the messages were
> >pre-defined.
> >If you don't use game commander what is the best way to set up
> >communications?
> Personally I just try to type and drive very carefully :) I find a
> lot of chat during a race very distracting, I try to keep up and
> respond but some places it's just not possible. If I can't peck it
> out while driving safely, I just don't say anything.
> >How does one go about getting into PW protected races? I know r.a.s
> >runs a race and have seen the pw posted here but how about the other
> >servers? Are they pretty much the same deal as the r.a.s race where
> >it is more of a scheduled race and you must know the pw well in
> >advance or are races ever set up in the on-line lobbys? What is the
> >best way to get into pw protected races?
> Many are league or other scheduled races, but sometimes people will
> start a pw race from the lobby and 'recruit' drivers from chat until
> they get the size field they desire. They will usually take a look at
> your stats before they give you the password, you'll want to have
> decent rankings - especially LPI. Most people won't give you a
> password if you don't have 20 LPI or so, the higher the better. It's
> not a perfect measurement by any means, but it's better than nothing.
> I don't know if there's a best way to get in, drive clean and request
> the password if you hear an interesting race starting up in the lobby.
> Some servers that run open races will sometimes run a pw race, if
> you've raced there before and see someone in the lobby you recognize
> from that server you can always ask for the pw too.. Many times the
> pw doesn't change so once you get to know some of the regulars enough
> to get the pw you can race there if it's pw or not.
> There may be a better way, but that's been my experience. Hope it
> helps! Good luck,
> John