many, many fun filled hours racing \ practicing. Value for money wise I
would still place GP2 at the top of the tree when I think how much I paid
for it and how much of my free time I spent using it. GPL is running it
pretty close and will take over that top spot without doubt as I envisage
still using it years down the line but GP2 will always be one of my top
ever leisure purchases.
Peter Hooper
> > YES!
> > If GP3 runs as bad on my system as GP2 did when it was released (and I
had a
> > high performance PC then!) Mr Crammond and friend won't get any money
> > me!
> Funny, I had no problems getting it to run good on my P120, guess I'm
> just incredibly good at configuring my PC....
> Beers and cheers
> (uncle) Goy
> "Team Mirage"
> "The Pits"
> * Spam is for losers who can't get business any other way *
> "Spamkiller"