system setup:
P4 2.5 Ghz
512 meg RAM
GeForce3 Ti 200 64 meg
WinXP Pro
DirectX 9
SB Live 5.1
OK, F1 2002 plays just fine -- no problems at all. I installed GTR2002
and when I try to run it, I immediately get a window that says
"Unexpected error; quitting." That's it. I searched the forum and found
that someone suggested searching for COMCTL32.OCX and COMDLG32.OCX and
replacing them with the ones from the system folder. Well, neither of
those files lives in my F1 2k2 directory anywhere.
Somebody HELP please! I need to play GTR! On my old machine with DirectX
8.1 I had no problems. This is a new PC with DX 9 -- could that be the
Thanks in advance