a Voodoo 2 to work, editing the cards.txt file. But the installation
did not create any file so named! In the whole PC there is no file
with that name! Any good advice?
PS My Voodoo 2 is a Techworks Power 3d 2, 8 MB.
PS My Voodoo 2 is a Techworks Power 3d 2, 8 MB.
Have you run the game yet Arto?
IIRC, there is no cards.txt until you run the game and
it detects the card you are using.
PS. did you try creating the file yourself?
Open notebook and create a cards.txt file. Put it in the GP3 folder.
Richard "ZZ" Busch
Official member:
Screamers Racing League
Sim Racing Mag Honda Challenge
Sim Racing Mag F2 Ferrari
GPL Rank 33.40
Busch Motorsports:
Remember racecar is racecar spelled backward
Busch Carpentry:
Plans?, Oh, you mean that napkin sketch?
I tried also that, but it did not make the V2 selectable!
The software mode is anyhow also usable, luckily... The
program seems not to be bad at all... :)
"Richard ZZ Busch"
Moving on to a classical phase? - guess you are getting near to dropping the
ZZ these days - eh Richard :-)
meanwhile there ist a fix for the voodoo 2 problem (v2 not selectable):
http://www.grandprix3.de/Download/v2_fix.zip (read readme!!)
But....the game is with enabled V2 hardware support unplayable!! Lots
of clipping errors and 60% less fps than software mode. Check it out.
The programmers of GP3 wanting us to buy new hardware. Maybe
they get money from 3dfx or from nvidia. :-(
There's one in Thomas Heineman's V2 fix
It goes in the main GP3 directory. Let me know if you are successful, I have
the same card as you and can't get a PO less than 300%
Tony Whitley
I did not yet try the address given by Tony, but Andi's advice helped a
little: Now I really can choose the V2, and the "Processor Occupancy"
is good, something like 60-90% in full field start at Hungary. But threre
seems to be serious problems in the scenery! There are huge square black
areas in the "forest" and huge square grey areas in the sky! Looks really
frightening! ;) (Did you ever read the "Story without end" by Michael
Ende - there the world of Phantasia-land is gradually disappearing... :)
Many thanks for r.a.s.! Things seem to develope little by little!