There is something that screws with your connection when you use AOL
for online racing. I can't remember what it was though.
> I need to keep AOL for my wife and daughters, I'm already having trouble
> explaining the frequent computer upgrades without taking away their AOL ;-)
> Anyone have any experience with Netzero and online racing? Any other free
> ISP's in the US? I really want to try online racing, but other than a test
> or two, have stayed away due to my AOL. Thanks, in advance.
Race Communications Association
Holodyne Engineering
Mystic Music
(have Your !!Name/Address!! placed here)
Its called bring your own access. I have that option for AOL. My wife and
I use a few AOL proprietary items and use our ISP (Earthlink) to connect to
AOL. Its $9.99 a month for unlimited time. Another side benefit is not
having AOL disconnects and/or busy signals.
AOL as a primary "ISP" is NOT an option. Even for everyday broswing its
annoying as hell. <G>
Scott B. Husted
ICQ# 4395450
Except for r.a.s., I've not run into a more helpful and interesting group of
people on the net. It's worth the 10 bucks a month to remain part of that
community IMO. Of course, if someone can tell me how to access the
Grandstand message boards from outside aol, I'd drop them like a hot
BTW, I raced GPL successfully for months on aol, the ping times are higher
so there are not as many good connections to choose from, but it can be
done. I must say however, that being able to customise my dun settings for
GPL has resulted in a much better and more stable connection.
> There is something that screws with your connection when you use AOL
>for online racing. I can't remember what it was though.
Steve B.