the Nascar tracks? I'm wondering if it can convert the Nascar
TrackPack tracks? Is there a track pack for ICR2?
No problem.
The only track missing from ICR2 is Indy. Licensing problems have
prevented them from adding it. However, I wrote a small utility which
will convert the Indy 500 track from ICR1 to ICR2 using NAS2ICR.
Hopefully the relevant files needed will be on The Pits this
The Pits
>>Is there some reason the conversion program only supports a subset of
>>the Nascar tracks?
>Not really. SOme people have siad they can't convert the originals.
>However, thats because they are running it from CD. IF you want to
>convert a track fron NASCAR to ICR2 you need to install the NASCAR
>track to your hard drive.
All that's missing when you try it without the CD-ROM is the .DAT
file, but if you give it the CD-ROM path everything works fine.