Nowwwww, you know you haven't :)
Look , I am an avid gamer who is pretty picky about how games look when
running them. I run N4 on a cheap ass Celeron chip ( 566), overclocked to
850, and a GeForce2 MX card. 128 mb of pc100 ram.
It is great on my system. No, I don't have world and detail on full, and no
I don't have draw ahead at 100%, and no I am not drawing 42 cars ahead.
However, I have it set about middle of the road, the sim is downright
gorgeous on my system, and I have very playable frame rates - averaging
around 35-50 fps depending on the situation.
Point being - Papy has scaled this thing to where it can be played on a wide
variety of systems. Folks should not be discouraged about buying the sim
unless they are really out of date on their system. Plus, I really like
knowing that when I finally part with some money and get that 1ghz chip and
new motherboard, that I will be able to raise the bar in the graphics
department in the sim and enjoy it even more.
I hate to think some lurkers might be reading what you stated below and
steer away from getting N4 being afraid of it not running worth a crap. It's
an awesome sim , and know what? It has a money back guarentee. Sure, it
probably isn't for everybody, however I think most folks that purchase it
are not going to be dissastisfied,
Don Burnette
> Why Yes Don, I Have!
> > So you've compared NH and N4 on a P3 800, P3850, P3 700, AMD 900, etc
> > Pretty broad statement don't ya think?
> > --
> > Don Burnette
> > > NH is much better sim on lower end systems-ie anything less than 1ghz
> and
> > > less than GEforce comparison...
> > > > I'm thinking about getting N4, but am wondering how it compares
> overall
> > on
> > > > the tracks besides the demo to nascar heat. I want nascar 4, but am
> > > > wondering how much merit all the negative posts have.