It's really bad now, and I'm sure there are reasons for it they are trying
ot correct, but I'd say it's been inadequate at best over the past couple of
David G Fisher
> They are having problems currently. Usually it's really good.
> :)
> > >Date: 4/30/2004 2:57 PM Central Daylight Time
> > >*Fantastic* source of information and exchange of opinions/ideas, but
> is
> > >connecting to it always such a pain in the a**? It's a roll of the dice
> > >every time I try to log on to it. Sometimes I get on right away, but
> usualy
> > >I can't connect or it's painfully slow with a 3.5 megabit connection.
> > >Sorry to complain about a free service, but I rarely ever come across a
> site
> > >that's so difficult to access.
> > >David G Fisher
> > Same here. Frustrating, but I sure like the site when I can get in.
> > Todd Wasson
> > Racing Software
> >
> >