>: Unconfirmed gossip lifted from the pages of PC Zone:-
><snipped rumor of GP3 release>
>Sorry, but I do not plan on buying GP3. If Microprose expects me to
>bend over again so they can walk away -- never to be heard from again
>until they want more cash, NOPE!
Right now the best thing that could happen is for Visiware's or
Psygnosis' PC offerings to be good enough to take sales away from
Microprose. Why does Microprose not give a hoot about us? Because
they don't have to. They have the market for F1 sims locked up, don't
they? And if you really want newer and better F1 sims, you're going to
cave and buy what they sell, even if you're angry. You know it, I
know it, and they know it. Its too bad they have to be run out of
business by the competition in order to acknowledge their customers,
but if Psygnosis and Visiware run away with enough F1-sim dollars by
addressing the desires of disgruntled GP2 customers, perhaps even the
customer-deaf folks at Microprose will sit up and take notice. Of
course, by then, it may be too late, if the competition is good