>I was wondering if anyone knows of an automotive design simulator for the PC?
>Preferrably one in which you could design every part of the car (body, frame, s
>uspension, engine) and perhaps have simulated wind tunnel and dyno tests, possi
>bly even a simulation to test drive the car once it's completed? if such softw
>are exists for the pc I would love to find out. thank you.
If you do, it will probably cost about $150,000 a year to lease it,
and it wouldn't be on a PC. Things might change though, if you wait a couple
of years. I am currenty developing a code for PC to do dynamic simulation
of syspension systems. From then on, once just adds four of those, a
power plant with known characteristics, and finally a
torsionaly elastic chasis, and you have a dynamic simulation of a car
under driving conditions. No wing tunner stuff tough , ask an Aerospace
engineer for that stuff.
IANNIS ALEXIOU | "A probability is a | '56 Land-rover 2.0
Mechanical Engineering. | chaos to become stable." | '90 Civic 1.5