>Did you create a new user profile? It's recommended in the readme.
patching) still shows info for v1.0.4.5.
The Preference sliders work now. They were locked-up at one point.
Dunno why they locked-up, but seem to work fine again.
Frame-rate definitely is faster. The only big problem I see is in the
rear-view mirrors. They're not clear all the time.
If a car is close behind me, then falls back, small parts of that
car are still displayed in the mirrors (jibberish leftovers from the
previous view). Lots of horizontal graphic-lines, differing colors,
etc. Never had a mirror problem before the patch.
Sure looks like they removed lots of detail from the mirrors, (never
had mirror-problems before this pre-release patch), but now I see lots
of graphical remnants.
It needs more work, but frame-rate is much better, and lap-times are
dropping (I'm sure because of much less graphic-stutters).