O.K. everybody, I don't post very often, but I think it is high time
that you people hear some good ol' "Down-to-Earth", "Real-World",
"Commonsense", "Back-to-Reality" comments from the heart of Silicon
Valley ("The Common Sense Mecca of the World" compared to what I have
been reading from you guys lately).
Lets just keep in mind a couple of things here:
There are three types of people who generaly access the "Net":
1.) College students and other "Higher Education" type people.
2.) Computer Professionals.
3.) People who unfortunately have a PC, and have seen too much
on T.V. about the "Information Super-Highway".
The first group of people most likely get their "Net" access for free
via thier school, and therefore have lots of time to burn. These are
the types of people that have nothing better to do, so they spend
thier time trying to force feed people their opinions. These people
stay in doors 24 hours and really have no concept of what the
"Real-World" is like.
The second group of people are either running up a big bill for thier
employer OR have actually forked out of thier own pockets to get the
"Net" access (This is highly rare considering that these are the same
people who *** about the cost of floppy disks when they know damn
well they've been snagging them from work for years.
The third type are just cause traffic and must be ignored....We would
all me much better off if they had just switched the channel one more
station and not even heard about it in the first place.
This all being said, I think MOST of you need a real reality check.
think about the people your dealing with here. Most of them are
completely obsesive, cry baby's, or just plain idiots.
The news group name is REC.AUTOS.SIMULATORS not
COMPLETELY.OBSESSIVE.***S......If somebody posts a request for car
setups and you are one of these ***retentive butt-wipes, Why dont
you just IGNORE THE REQUEST. This is not your personnal news group to
voice your opinions on MATTERS OF PERSONNAL PREFERENCE. Its not like
someone is sending E-Mail specifically addressed to you anyway.
For other people who are so pissed off that some of the simulation
members wont share their set-ups.....GROW-UP!!!!....Think about it for
a minute, anyone who would spend "Countless Hours" of testing and
tweeking their set-up's is bound to be protective of their findings.
I have been working on PC's and Networks for many years, and if
somebody if my same area of experience asked me for help I would
gladely assist, ALTHOUGH, if on the other hand that same person
EXPECTED me to give him the answer without reguard to how he (or she)
could have figured it out for themselves, I would be most likely
telling them to get F----D!!!!!
Maybe now everyone will calm down a bit....and post about something
else for a change....Start thrashing BYRON, BRYON, BUNYON again or