% I`m thinking about buying a steering wheel to get the best out
% of my racing sims (Gp2, F1RS and perhaps GPL). Which is the
% best? Thrustmaster F1 got very good reviews. Is it worth spending
% 150 $? Do I need a camecard (now I got a Sb16) for best results
% (as they say in the TM Homepage)? I`ve heard steering wheels
% uses lots of CPU? (I got a Pentium 200 with Voodoo 1).
% What about Force Feedback, are they any good FF systems?
If you are being "budget-wise" (as your post seems to imply), then I
feel that the Thrustmaster line is your best choice. If you don't have
budget concerns try some of the links at the end of this message...
You seem to be a Formula 1 fan so you may want to keep your eyes open
for the Formula Sprint (similar to the GP1 but also includes pedals).
However for a more robust setup (along with the ability to have your
brake and accelerator on separate axis -- a most in my books for GPL)
look for the Formual Pro (also includes a stick shift for driving antique
Formula 1 cars).
Thrustmaster should also have their Force Feedback out soon (Formula
Force GT).
Thrustmaster has been listening and have spent alot more time "stress"
testing their new designs, running them over a quarter million cycles
with no signs of breakage (Formula Sprint/NASCAR Sprint & NASCAR Super
Sport -- the latter having a larger wheel for you stock car
Thrustmaster is very good about support (even beyond the stated
warranty). Your biggest concern with their earlier lines should be
pedal spring breakage (they will send you free replacements).
Unfortunately their new replacement springs for the NASCAR/Formula Pro
line are too "mushy" for the accelerator (they last longer, but I feel
there isn't enough tension for controlling the car in F1RS & GPL).
Hopefully they will be sourcing once again improved springs.
Other alternatives:
o Extreme Competition Controls
o Thomas Enterprises
o Virtual Vehicles from Interactive I/O
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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