% i have a cheap wheel (bogeyman - about $20 after rebate) that has a lever
% that is used for acceleration/braking (by default) in most games and 4
% switches on the lever.
% i set two of the switches for shifting and one of them for braking. i
% would like to be able to use the full range of the lever movement for
% acceleration (- to +) but can only get it for (0 to +).
% nfs3 allows this type of setting to use the full range of the y-axis for
% acceleration. any such setting for gpl/f1rs/mgp2rs?
If the "levers" are actually axes of the the joystick, you should get
them to be accepted in GPL/F1RS/MGP2RS. For the last two, you will need
to find a setup in your Win9x controller applet to recognize the levers
as an axis and calibrate there. The same applies to GPL using the
direct input. However, with GPL, the generic input does not require
Win95 to see the axis (just calibrate first, then select controls).
If you can accomplish this in the Win9x controllers applet, these games
should see and recognize the various axes. You might want to try using
Thrustmaster's ProPanel applet to help you in this process. You may
need to experiment with the different controlling devices listed and
with the "rudder" box under properties for the device to get the levers
to be recognized as such.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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