On Wed, 14 Oct 1998 20:31:13 -0700, Laurence Lindstrom
>GPL is great, but I still enjoy F1RS. So I'm going to get
>it's successor.
> I understand the teams and drivers are fantasy, to be
>replaced with the real things with user supplied updates, but
>what are the tracks like?
> I understand there is also a track editor, for the same
>purpose I suppose.
> I'm particularly interested Suzuka, as I've been following
>the season. Is it represented in the box?
> Thanks
> Larry
Suzuka is in the game.
MGPRS2 is much harder than F1RS. I thought I was a fairly good sim
racer with F1RS but, i was mistaken. MGPRS2 is more realistic,
another major improvement is that the curbings are alot more friendly.
You can pounce over them and It will not upset the car as much as it
does in F1RS.
Don't even think of using the same setups as F1RS. I tried Guy Cote's
setups, not only are they incompatible files they are not even close
to being stable if you manually enter them.
Never thought I would say this but I'm enjoying MGPRS2 more now than
GPL, around here that could be considered blasphemy.
~~Alpha B.~~
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"When you die, if you get a choice between going to regular heaven or pie heaven,
choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if it's not, mmmmmmm, boy."
-Jack Handy