I said that all those moves are against AI,
not against humans.
>>>And where the heck can you pass at the Ring?
>> - divebomb entering Hatzenbach (first slow left in that sequence)
> Sheer suicide
AI brake early there and turn-in late, taking pretty weird
line which makes this pass 99% safe if you're close enough
AI takes double-right after the jump and following left slowly,
so if you time your approach by falling back before the jump
and then catching AI at the exit of the left hander you can
easily pass by taking wider line on the entry and staying on
the left between left-hander and following left-hand bend
Again it's matter of timing. AI slows down too much for the first
one, so you can easily pass if you don't run into them :) So
you need to fall back a bit so you have room at the exit.
Not really, just consider the previous corners as one sequence
starting after the mini-jump. Turn-in late for the first right
hander, stay tight on the exit of the second right hander and
accelerate through the next left hander. This would allow you
to pass AI almost completely before going into the final left
of the sequence and anyway you've already taken away the good
line so AI has to slow down.
Oh yeah, they are just disappearing in the distance. I can't
stay in their slipstream even in Honda.