Sierra's quarterly magazine, "interaction", explains in some detail the
racing structure of the NROS (NASCAR Racing Online Series).
Here's a quote from the mag....
"The entire season is broken up into quarterly series in which you race
for 12 weeks. During each series, there are nine opportunities each week
for each of the divisions (Pro, Semi-Pro, Intermediate, Amateur, and
Rookie) to race. Figuring that most racers in the NROS have other lives
to lead, you are only required to race once a week."
"At the end of the 12 weeks, your two worst point totals are
dropped--there has to be some flexibility involved. The drops minimize
the agony of lost connections, being run off the track by some kamikaze
amateur, or just needing to miss a week of racing (you know, for
vacations, hot dates, or just leading a somewhat normal life). NROS then
takes your 10 point totals and divides by 10, yielding your overall
score for the quarter."
"After 12 weeks, the top 24 point winners move on to race each other in
week 13--a one-time-only race that eliminates ties. The winner of theat
race gets the additional points added to his or her total score and is
crowned the quarterly series champion."
The article goes on to say that the top three finishers in each
quarterly series along with racers decided by a set formula meet in a 5
week championship series. The championship series will consist of 24
drivers competing each Saturday for weeks. Winner take all, with a
banquet held and the whole sha-bang. Sounds like a ton o' fun! Of
course by release time, things can change.....
Lonnie Larkan and Nim Cross are also featured as beta-testers. Even Ed
Martins mug made the article. He don't look that mean!!<g>
If all this is old news to some, sorry to have wasted the band-width.