update NASCAR 2 for a tribute for NASCAR at 50 and yet they left out some
major areas for improvement like traction?!?!? so damn easy for the Guys at
Simulator ***World to edit after all their knowledge. All this is a mocary
of Microsoft. Thats it.
It is true that the pits is turning to microsoft too... Just think about
the major relationship, to release a piece of software that looks great, to
be advertised a greatly, and doing a ok job at it just to find out the
product details are horrible on such simple topics like riding on dirt like
it's CONCRETE?!?!? Come on, the is full of bs......
thank you for your time
Mark F (Al Comments come straight to me!)
p.s. when you ask to edit track shapes and they (the pits, simproject,
simulator *** world) they say they dont know how to do it or they sware it
can't be done. well, heres proof off microsoft. to cover up the good stuff
and be selfish for their use of enhancemnt and not the others as just the
pits did with the trk editing