***ed. This is the sort of game/sim that really makes the expensive hunk
of silicon/glass/plastic et al. I'm sitting in front of worth it. The bad
stuff: still can't race against the AI without unbearable frustration.
Partly this is because driving the cars takes all my concentration so the
other cars on the track throw me off. Also, because I don't drive like a
pro, the other cars seem to expect me to act/react differently than I do and
this leads to crashes. I've only tried races at the Glen and I am always
getting rear ended going into the loop. This is partially my fault in that
my situational awareness needs to improve but it is also the AI's fault in
that they should know I'm not going to take the corner the same way Clark
does. In all, after a week, I'm satisfied with my progress. I still get
frustrated but (and this shows what a newbie I really am) I practically
leapt for joy when I hit five sub 1:10 laps (actually 7) in a row including
my new PB 1:08.75. I still using the Brab but I grabbed Alison Hine's
setup's (thank you Alison for creating a great site that is newbie friendly)
and have found them much easier than default (one thing I figured out is not
to practice with 42 gallons of fuel--doh!!!). Well, back to the track. I
swear I can smell the buring *** and aviation fuel in my office. :-)