'Ere. who let you in here Ollie? This is where the winners of the faction
wars hang out.
> I just hope it has fair physics that's all!
> --------------------Do not cut and past------------------------
> Cheers,
> Oli
> BEOROCKET Racing: www.beorocket.co.yu
> > >I'm more worried about the following from the GP3 section at
> > >http://www.racesimcentral.net/
> > >-Features which will not be added GP3, but will be added to Grand Prix
> or
> > >future games
> > This list is HIGHLY speculative. But anyway:
> > >Support for more than 4 player LAN mode
> > 1) Seems indeed that they haven't taken a *serious* look at multiplay
> > yet.. Possible reason: they need to sell a GP4 and GP5 based largely
> > on the same engine!
> > >Catch fencing and more 'tiny' details
> > 2) might still be in finalised tracks?
> > >Longer replays (full replay system)--------------------- Even now when
> > >people have tons of RAM!!!
> > 3) They need to sell a GP4 and GP5 based largely on the same engine!
> > >Better timing system (as seen in TV)----------------- and how is the
> timing
> > >system?
> > 4) Subjective
> > >Radio messages---------------------------------------------- a standard
> > >thing in today's sims!
> > 5) They need to sell a GP4 and GP5 based largely on the same engine!
> > >Internet play---------------------------------------------------- ?
> > 6) FIA doesn't allow it -or- They need to sell a GP4 and GP5 based
> > largely on the same engine! -and/or- they haven't taken a *serious*
> > look at multiplay yet
> > >Animated pit crew and TV cameras on pits--------- Well it seems that
> the
> > >shity sims have them....
> > 7)They need to sell a GP4 and GP5 based largely on the same engine!
> > -or- rather than making it look shitty or pre-rendered, they choose to
> > leave it out
> > >Safety car-------------------------------------------------------- Why
> the
> > >hell not?
> > 8) They need to sell a GP4 and GP5 based largely on the same engine!
> > -and/or- needs a lot of dedication to get it exactly right
> > >Red flags--------------------------------------------------------- Who
> needs
> > >them right?
> > 9) They need to sell a GP4 and GP5 based largely on the same engine!
> > >Stop and go penalties---------------------------------------Realism?
> > 10) They need to sell a GP4 and GP5 based largely on the same engine!
> > -and/or- needs a lot of dedication to get it exactly right
> > >Formation lap--------------------------------------------------- Ok I
> > >live without that...
> > 11) They need to sell a GP4 and GP5 based largely on the same engine!
> > -and/or- needs a lot of dedication to get it exactly right (F12000
> > anyone?)
> > >Jump starts-----------------------------------------------------
> > 12) They need to sell a GP4 and GP5 based largely on the same engine!
> > >Own carshape for each team----------------------------- Pat painter
> fix
> > >that and the 3rd party possie!
> > 13) They need to sell a GP4 and GP5 based largely on the same engine!
> > -and/or- GP3 is a "base" system that takes preserving resources into
> > account so people with older systems CAN run it after turning off
> > options
> > BTW: it's unlikely that this can be fixed by 3rd party. They can
> > probably CHANGE the carshapes after a while, but not extend the number
> > of different shapes used by the game!
> > >Ability to look left or right from***pit view just like in many other
> > >sims---Why not?
> > 14) design choice
> > >Starting driving career as a test driver and then moving to better
> > >teams-----?
> > 15) They need to sell a GP4 and GP5 based largely on the same engine!
> > -and/or- it's too early for role-playing elements in serious
> > racingsims
> > >Livery editor----- It seems to me that it'll miss all the little things
> that
> > >make a great game even greater!
> > 16) they know hackers will take care of this -and/or- They need to
> > sell a GP4 and GP5, representing different seasons, based largely on
> > the same engine! So why sink their own ships? :-)
> > Regards,
> > JoH