It's very simple. Plug your LWFF into the USB port, plug your CH
pedals into your gameport, and insert both the lwff and the pedals
into your joystick applet.
GPL recognises both devices, when calibrating in GPL, press the little
arrow at the bottom of the calib menu to go to a second calib menu
where you can calibrate the pedals.
Unfortunatly GPL is afaik the only sim which handles more than 1
device at the same time.
I also have the lwff + ch pedals, works great. Don't forget to insert
a squashball under the brake pedal of the ch pedals for ultimate
braking control!
>Hi, I realize I'm on some pretty heavily trod ground here so I
>apologize if my specific question has been dealt with before. To wit:
>I have a LWFF and CH Pro (gameport) pedals. I have read that one can
>connect the LWFF to the CH pedals. What I want to know is can one plug
>the LWFF into the USB port and the CH pedals into the gameport and use
>both, and if so, 1) is there an FAQ anywhere on how to do this and 2)
>is it worth it. I am happy with my LWFF throttle but the brake is
>extremely challenging to use with any precision.
>Christian Hansen