and do not alter the actual core code and that's where FIRST is drawing the
line. FIRST is only going after mods that alter the .exe. While I'm not
especially happy about it (I was looking forward to the 1970's mod and the
2005 update) FIRST not only is fully within their rights, I wouldn't be
surprised if they legally have to. I can't remember what flight sim it was
where some airline had a cow about people putting replicas of their
airplanes into it. Let's say one of of the car manufacturers that were in
the original GTP mod decided they didn't like their cars in the mod and went
after Redline over it. If FIRST did not do anything to prevent Redline's
original mod then I'm sure some lawyer out there could twist it that they,
too, were culpable.
> worked
> hard to discourage mods. I presented Kaemmer with evidence that the
> (wholly
> unintentional) "modability" of Microsoft's Flight Simulator actually
> encouraged that sim's growth. Eventually, Papyrus embraced the idea.
> But,
> like SimBin, which started out as modders and now discourage it in GTR
> (they
> shut down a promising BMW M3 expansion car and won't even permit mention
> of
> 3rd-party tracks on their forums), Papy's legal and spiritual successor,
> F1RST, has joined the ranks of the Blue Meanies. They don't seem to have
> learned anything from the mods of games like Half-Life and Battlefield,
> which would prolly have ceased to exist w/o mods like Counter-Strike and
> Galactic Conquest. It's been the salvation of racing sims in an era when
> console games and ring-tones for cells almost wiped PC *** off the face
> of the earth. Even Unreal Tournament is on board, promoting modding with
> contests like Make Something Unreal. Kaemmer may be Master of the Physics
> Engine, but abt. what makes the *** world go around, he ain't gotta
> clue.
>> > These guys are not merely ripping off somebody else's whole shtick,
>> > they're bragging about it. Talk abt. hacking the executable....
>> I only remember that Papyrus was ENCOURAGING mod groups when the
>> 1.201
>> patch was released. THey were almost begging for modders to help stave
> off
>> EA's juggernaut. Now I know FIRST is NOT PAPYRUS legally, but they are
>> close enough in my mind that it feels like FIRST is going back on
>> Papyrus'
>> promise.
>> dave henrie