would be greatly appreciated :).
> >Does your source know (a) Why the price is so punitively high? And
> > (b) If it might be lowered so the FIA at least get some money for that
> > part of the license and F1 fans get race each other?
> No, he can't speak for Bernie, but my take on it is that Bernie has turned
> F1 into the multi-billion dollar glitzy international circus it is, by
> setting prices and constantly increasing them until either a) the original
> party can't afford them and another, richer party takes over, or b) the
> falls through altogether (a la Driver, although that was probably a good
> thing :-) )
> I don't think he understands the concept of pricing to the market. It's
> always been all or nothing with him as far as I can see...
> I DO know, that F1 Games will get a little thin on the ground over the
> few years, as those publishers that can afford the 'big bucks' will be
> fighting tooth and nail for exclusive contracts when the current
> expire.
> >Nice to see the FIA are killing online sim racing just like they've
> > killed so many other categories of the RL sport!
> Couldn't agree more, though Bernie's experience has always been that
> with the requisite cash almost always shows up in the end.
> > So why has he done that then?
> Again, because he can, and often gets it in the end.
> > What about a 3rd party taking, say, F1RC and hacking it to work online,
> > is that legal?
> No, it's illegal on two counts - one you'll be modifying Ubi's code
> permission. And you can bet your arse that Ubi won't give it or they'll be
> liable for the licence fee, and two, if you add the facility, you are
> basically providing what the Games manufacturers omitted because they
> couldn't afford it, and therefore YOU will be liable to the payment to
> Bernie's coffers.
> That's not to say that if you did, you won't get away with it. There are a
> few systems out there...
> Cheers
> Ian
> www.simbin.com
> > > I have it on good authority, that a seperate fee along the lines of
> > > $5,000,000 payable to ... well Bernie's pocket in the final analysis
> what
> > > it will cost for an out of the box fully implemented online facility.
> > That's $5,000,000 which no software co. has ever paid or is ever likely
> > to. Does your source know (a) Why the price is so punitively high? And
> > (b) If it might be lowered so the FIA at least get some money for that
> > part of the license and F1 fans get race each other?
> > Why is it that, ATM, everybody loses?
> > <SNIP>
> > > The cost for the non-exclusive right to put F1 on the box and the
> and
> > > likenesses of the cars, tracks and drivers is more than double this
> figure.
> > Nice to see the FIA are killing online sim racing just like they've
> > killed so many other categories of the RL sport!
> > > THAT is the main reason why good online play is not included. If I was
> > > developer, I sure as hell wouldn't want to spend time working online
> > > efficiency into the code if you can't afford to pay for the right to
> include
> > > it in the first place. Bernie has priced it so high that it's not
> > > economically viable.
> > So why has he done that then?
> > > Oh, and if it's in the code and optimised for the net without the
> payment of
> > > the licence fee, you can get sued six ways to sunday by the FIA.
> > What about a 3rd party taking, say, F1RC and hacking it to work online,
> > is that legal?
> > Cheers
> > Gerry