GT3 looks tip top, but with a max of only 6 cars (and no incar view)
it better look good!!!
Yup I noticed the redraw in the background as well (way in the
background) since its far behind the car it did'nt bother me much,
what was even more bothersome (atleast to me) was the clipping of the
car shadow into the pavement.
But alas I realize what we are seeing is an unfinished product.
GT3 blows GPL out of the universe in the visual department, (this all
men know) but when it comes to simulating real world physics GT3 is
just a dumb blonde !! LOL
You must ask yourself, do you want short term or long term
gratification? Sure GT3 looks good but will you be playing it in 3
The best sim to ever come out on a console was Ferrari F355 on the
DreamCast, eye popping graphics with GPL physics, the arcade version
of this game with 3 monitors is amazing, if you haven' played this sim
yet,, check it out !!!
Though once complete I firmly believe that WSC will rival GT3 in the
graphics department and have better AI and of course there is no need
to discuss physics ;-)
>>its 39MBs, is it worth the download,, ohhhhhh yessssss
>>the track detail is amazing !!!!!!
>Something disturbing about the graphics -- you can see the distant objects
>being drawn or removed, depending if you are approaching or going away from
>them, kinda similar to Colin McRae Rally ( one ) but not as severe -- not what
>I expected from a brand new game engine.
>I thought the Gran Turismo 3 movies were much more impressive, the environment
>looked much more realistic:
>It may not be a sim, but looks like fun.