>>I've got MS FF Sidewinder Wheel in March for my birthday.
>>Got it from www.technomatic.co.uk and arrived the next day.
>>Also try www.insight.com - they are good as well - I get a lot of
>>hardware from them.
>>Which games have I used:
>>TOCA 2 - brilliant
>>NFSIII - brilliant
>>Grand Prix Legends - no FF, but a good wheel for it
>>Colin MCRAe Rally - with the new patch, very good
>>Carmageedon II - OK
>>test Drive 5 - Very Good
>>Ultimate Race Pro - OK
>>MS Monster Truck Madness - supplied with wheel - very good
>>MS Cart Precision Racing - supplied with wheel - OK
>>MS Midtown Madness is comiung out and I suppose it should work well
>>with that
>>Just make sure it is firmly seated.
>>It should cost you no more that 110 over the internet - you may over
>>the odds at shops, especially PC World
>>If you need any more help, please feel free to contact me
>>For all your Railroad Tyoon II needs visit U.K. Rail Express at
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>How many buttons does it have, and how heavy is it?
>How stable does it feel?
>Griffin, the Slayer
very stable if you clamp it to a stable point, though the pedals will
slip on carpet sometimes!
For all your Railroad Tyoon II needs visit U.K. Rail Express at
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