Papyrus buddies starts new company...

Thomas Heinema

Papyrus buddies starts new company...

by Thomas Heinema » Sat, 29 Aug 1998 04:00:00

Well, i guess making "ground-braking" Racing-Sims
isnt all that challenging after a while....

So why not take the "RPG" genre to a
whole new level too...:)

Thomas heineman

Andy Bac

Papyrus buddies starts new company...

by Andy Bac » Sat, 29 Aug 1998 04:00:00

OK, now I'm worried.  I just hope these guys were just bored doing racing
sims, and were looking for a new challenge.  Regardless, I'm now worried about
Papyrus' chances of getting Nascar3  (and more importantly to me, anyways)
CART3 out of the door.

But here's hoping I'm wrong .....

  Andy Backa        The only skills I have the patience to learn are

                    - Calvin and Hobbes

  Chewey Pages:

Tim -fusio

Papyrus buddies starts new company...

by Tim -fusio » Sat, 29 Aug 1998 04:00:00

>OK, now I'm worried.  I just hope these guys were just bored doing racing
>sims, and were looking for a new challenge.  Regardless, I'm now worried about
>Papyrus' chances of getting Nascar3  (and more importantly to me, anyways)
>CART3 out of the door.

Maybe they'll make something like Dave Marcis, the RPG.
You set out on a quest for the Magic Wingtips, which will allow you to
keep getting sponsors in spite of not finishing better than 20th place
since 1978.

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