>I recently upgraded to a IBM Clone P133 and I cannot get the modem to
>accept the initialization string. Does anybody have a initialization
>string for a SupraExpress 33.6 that will work in Nascar? Or, is this a
>Windows 95 issue?
>I would appreciate any help on this!!
I have run into the same kind of problem on a buddy's computer. While
we haven't attempted the fix, it appears that there is a device driver
that must load during your config.sys in order to "turn the modem on
in Dos" so to speak. You need to go through the Plug and Play Utility
installation, but install only for Dos (not for Windows). This should
load the necessary drivers into a directory on your hard drive. It may
also modify your config.sys. Let me know if this works.
BT Nagle