>: With the volume of machines that Dell moves, it would be a nightmare to
>: have to support multiple OS's...
>Not a good reason. Besides, there wouldn't be that many 'extra' things to
>load if it were OS/2.:) It only takes them a minute to install(Especially
>for the pros that have done it more than once.). Besides when you are
>buying a (near?) top of the line piece of equipment for say $2k or $3K,
>why shouldn't a company offer a few options. Shoot, it's not brain
>surgery to keep a tab and install an OS as they are sold. It is the
>almighty dollar/pound/yen... that's driving this insanity. Remember when
>AT&T had the same idea? (Personally, I'm sorry AT&T got split, they
>actually had a good quality product at a reasonable price, and did not try
>to fool the public too much.)
>: FWIW, my P100 ran DOS apps faster than a friend's P75... and when I
>: upgraded to a 133 it got faster still. It does seem slower running DOS
>: apps from a DOS PROMPT in W95, but in DOS mode it rips.
>Yea, that's exactly what I was talking about. In fact, 'real' DOS mode
>is pretty darn close to _5 times_ faster than Windows DOS prompt. Why
>should I have to deal with/pay for that if I already own an older DOS
>version that works better for what I'm gonna use it for?
If you plan on running 16 bit apps, like many of the flight sim games (Falcon
for one), don't plan on too much performance on the P6 pros. They are
optimized for 32 bit apps and your 16 bit apps will run _very_ slow on the
P6's. I compared a P5 166 and a P6 166 (both loaded with Win95) and had the
following results:
32 bit apps screamed on the P6, but 16 bit apps slowed to a crawl
(approximately equal to a 486DX-33). With this in mind, I'd opt for the P5
166 for flight sims and other games.
Just my $.02 FWIW
AJ Asbury
Kansas City, Missouri