I've noticed that if I run certain programs (don't know which ones), I
also can't get a full DOS window screen in Win95. However, if I restart
the computer (and don't run anything first) I can then achieve full DOS
% Thanks for your reply. I received an email back from Best Data, which
% said to connect my monitor directly to my 2d card when it will not run
% a full screen dos session. That cleared up the problem and indicated
% an incompatibility between the Diamond Stealth II s220 and the
% Arcade FXII.
% I noticed also that what caused my full screen dos sessions to get
% screwed up was going into display settings (Even if I did not
% change anything). I also noticed that I could correct the problem
% by running the windows version of N99.
% I am waiting for another response from Best Data. I asked them if
% they have tested their 3d card with any Rendition verite video cards,
% and if so which ones.
% I may just have to return the Arcade FXII, and buy a Diamond or
% Creative Labs card.
% Thanks again for your reply.
% >Eddy,
% >Haven't encountered your specific problem, but the latest Glide version
% >is 2.54 (you said yours is 2.51). You might try either the Diamond
% >drivers at www.diamondmm.com or the 3dfx reference drivers. I use the
% >Diamond drivers on my Creative Labs Voodoo2 12 meg and they work great.
% >From what I've read, virtually all the Voodoo2 boards are essentially
% >the same design and the drivers are practically interchangeable among
% >vendors.
% >
% >I also have the Stealth II S220 as you do.
% >
% >Good luck,
% >ANash
% >
% >
% >> I am running WIN95b with a Pentium 166MMX and a
% >> Diamond Stealth II s220. I am about to upgrade to
% >> a much faster computer, but since I found a great
% >> price on a 3dfx card, I went ahead and bought it now.
% >>
% >> After installing my Best Data Arcade FXII 12MB card,
% >> everything seemed to work fine. I was able to run
% >> N99 with no problem. I just noticed last night,
% >> that my system gets into a state where my monitor
% >> will not display a full screen dos session. After
% >> rebooting, I am able to get a full screen dos session.
% >> I can however press Alt - Enter and run in a
% >> windowed dos session at all times. And, after running
% >> the WIN95 executable of N99, I am able to run
% >> applications in a full screen dos session.
% >>
% >> Anybody out there have a clue what is going on?
% >>
% >> I thought that the 3dfx card should not be doing anything
% >> until I ran a 3dfx application. So, why is it interfering with
% >> me running full screen dos sessions?
% >>
% >> My Glide version is 2.51.
% >>
% >> My new system will be WIN98, so maybe I won't have
% >> this problem when I upgrade, but this problem is freaking
% >> me out.
% >>
% >> Thanks for any thoughts or replies.
% >>
% >> TEN ID: eddyj
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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