1.)Any pgaes out there for stuf about it??
2.)How do we set up a net' game???
--Kai Fuller
1.)Any pgaes out there for stuf about it??
2.)How do we set up a net' game???
--Kai Fuller
I have just played the trialversion of the game over the Net with a
friend and it was very fun.
The only thing you have to know is the IP-adress of the one who host the
game.We used the chatprogram PowWow to tell the adress when we both were
Give it a try, it was great fun!!
>>2.)How do we set up a net' game???
>>--Kai Fuller
You run Mtruck.
Hit Mplayer
Choose HOST / INTERNET TCP/IP (the bottom choice). now wait. wait what?
Well your friend should have been doing this:
Running Mtruck
Hit Mplayer, Join, type IP (warning I think HOSTNames dont work)
the rest, follow instructions on screen! Viva directplay!
I doubt any site in the WORLD checks logs...
\=/, _-===-_-====-_-===-_-=====-_-===-_
/\ /\ / (___,,,}_--= New York, NY _)
) /^\) ^\/ _) =__ iPHONE 4 | CuSeeMe Color available_)
) _ / / _) (_ http://www.walrus.com/~egalvez/ )
/\ )/\/ || | )_) (_ WinTalk Daemon Active _)
<< > |(,,) )__) -==-___-====-____-====-___-=-
|| / \)___)\
| \____( )___) )___ \(^o^)/ Use MS IExplorer 3! \(^o^)/
\______(_______;;; __;;; Human Nature is in fact human habit...
> >1.)Any pgaes out there for stuf about it??
> >2.)How do we set up a net' game???
> >--Kai Fuller
> Anyone know of a site other than Microsoft where I can DL this, I've
> tried several times from several different locations and I can only
> get 3.5Mb before the transfer hangs,. This is getting very frustrating
> (not to mention expensive) BTW obviously noone at MS checks the DL log
> as they would see my name there several times and you would thing they
> might mail me asking what is going on!!
> Anthony
/|\ David Otterness
/ |#\ Lake County, IL, USA
/ |##\
/ |###\ IndyCar-#2
/ |####\ NASCAR-#2,whoever beats #3
\####| / E-mail me at:
\##| /
\#| / Or find me on UnderNet IRC,
\|/ Handle: Roid
>>>2.)How do we set up a net' game???
>>>--Kai Fuller
>Connected ppp / slip on the net? Using windows 95's winsock - dialup?
>You run Mtruck.
>Hit Mplayer
>Choose HOST / INTERNET TCP/IP (the bottom choice). now wait. wait what?
>Well your friend should have been doing this:
>Running Mtruck
>Hit Mplayer, Join, type IP (warning I think HOSTNames dont work)
>the rest, follow instructions on screen! Viva directplay!
>>BTW obviously noone at MS checks the DL log
>>as they would see my name there several times and you would thing they
>>might mail me asking what is going on!!
>I doubt any site in the WORLD checks logs...