: Your right. GP2 was actually tough. Anybody remember your first experience
: ? Going to the software store a day during Spring ? Trying to steer the car
: using AZ/<>, gamepad or joystick. It was difficult, even with most of the
: help on.
Actually, I found my first experience with GP1 was the eye-opener, partly
because I chose Monaco to start at, and the sterile graphics didn't really
give me a clue of where to go. all I remember was a full day of going
"biff, biff, biff" of every single wall. Somehow I had missed the
original "Indy500" game, so my experience with driving games was the Test
Drive series (TD3 was the highest at the time). GP1 was a whole different
level of game, and the first one that I hung the "sim" label on.
Gp2, comparitively, was a cake walk to get up and running with.