: Do you think it's possible that Geoff G. is working on a new car set
: for F1GPII, the 1996 Car Set for example. It could be a GREAT GREAT
: idea to have the 1996 cars and the Game for the mid of March at the
: beginning of the new season.
: I must admit that i'll have a lot of difficulties to motivate myself
: to beat the boys in the 1994 cars. All will be so new this season.
: I'm sure not... but, if someone from Microprose is reading, please
: give us some infos ...
Fat chance of a response from MPS here, but they are a little more
responsive on their Web site. This was posted there last week:
" Posted by Spectrum HoloByte-MicroProse on February 15, 1996 at 09:56:46:
" In Reply to: ... Richard Haines on February 12, 1996 at 11:37:30:
" : Sorry if this subject has been covered, but I haven't
" : got the time to read through ALL the posts.
" : I read recently, in whatever mag reviewed the game,
" : that the first version of the game to be shipped
" : will have no network support. Is this true?
" Yes, this is true. Right now, the plan is to
" include the network upgrades in a scenario disk
" due out late this year with new tracks, teams, and
" everything for the 96 season.
" Regards,
" Tim
" Spectrum HoloByte-MicroProse
So, the good news is that 1996 updates are planned; the bad news is that
we won't get them, or network play, until the end of the year :-(