Jan./ me? -I don't care. I do not watch racing to see "my favourite" win.
> Thanks very much you ***ing idiot.
> There i no need for me to watch the video now that I know the score is
> there.
> Jeez...after staying away from the radio all morning. There is always some
> *** who doesn't know how to use a spoiler in the header!!!
Well what kind of moron reads these NG's, knowing full well
that some *** will post the results? Duh. Your reply suggests
that you are aware that this happens, yet you read the NG.
Duh again.
Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com
All-time favourite Bromley chants #16 :
"Kent!" <clap clap clap> "Kent!" <clap clap clap> "Kent!"
etc :-)
Graeme Nash
Any serious fan like myself will also be seen at historic racing events,
club meetings, local motorcross meetings as well as the bigger meetings, in
sun rain or hail.
I for one am not an ambulance driver but there was another reason why I was
unable to watch the race live. I won't say why for I do not feel the need to
justify myself to people who make assumptions without enquiring as to real
why would they be on a newsgroup when they could have been
Erm. Howabout this one input --->...computing.....computing----> output
Some of us have families whose members share common interests and do things
like watch videos together as a family at a mutually convenient time to all
on a sunday afternoon. It's quite fun to share experiences with the kids.
Like what? Things not fitting in with your blinkered vision and train of
thought perhaps?
> Dave Wilson
> > > Will you morons please stop posting race results before a huge
> chunk of
> > the
> > > readers here have had a chance to watch the race for themselves.
> How many
> > > times does this have to be said??????? Think about someone other
> than
> > > yourself just for a few moments.
> > Well what kind of moron reads these NG's, knowing full well
> > that some *** will post the results? Duh. Your reply suggests
> > that you are aware that this happens, yet you read the NG.
> > Duh again.
> Sent via
> Before you buy.
Dave Wilson
> Well what kind of moron reads these NG's, knowing full well
> that some *** will post the results? Duh. Your reply suggests
> that you are aware that this happens, yet you read the NG.
> Duh again.
Cheers buddy,
Oliver Nikolic
DP-MAX Computers
BeoRocket Racing Team (retired)
> > Any SERIOUS fan stayed up and watched the race live. If a person
> > absolutely couldn't watch it live (say, an ambulance driver on the late
> > shift)
> Any serious fan like myself will also be seen at historic racing events,
> club meetings, local motorcross meetings as well as the bigger meetings,
> sun rain or hail.
> I for one am not an ambulance driver but there was another reason why I
> unable to watch the race live. I won't say why for I do not feel the need
> justify myself to people who make assumptions without enquiring as to real
> facts.
> why would they be on a newsgroup when they could have been
> > watching their tape?
> Erm. Howabout this one input --->...computing.....computing----> output
> Some of us have families whose members share common interests and do
> like watch videos together as a family at a mutually convenient time to
> on a sunday afternoon. It's quite fun to share experiences with the kids.
> > Something does not compute.
> Like what? Things not fitting in with your blinkered vision and train of
> thought perhaps?
> MS
What sort of man has to water his vodka down with that insipid stuff Oli <G>
Cheers mate
> Cheers buddy,
> --
> Oliver Nikolic
> DP-MAX Computers
> BeoRocket Racing Team (retired)
> > > Any SERIOUS fan stayed up and watched the race live. If a person
> > > absolutely couldn't watch it live (say, an ambulance driver on the
> > > shift)
> > Any serious fan like myself will also be seen at historic racing events,
> > club meetings, local motorcross meetings as well as the bigger meetings,
> in
> > sun rain or hail.
> > I for one am not an ambulance driver but there was another reason why I
> was
> > unable to watch the race live. I won't say why for I do not feel the
> to
> > justify myself to people who make assumptions without enquiring as to
> > facts.
> > why would they be on a newsgroup when they could have been
> > > watching their tape?
> > Erm. Howabout this one input --->...computing.....computing----> output
> > Some of us have families whose members share common interests and do
> things
> > like watch videos together as a family at a mutually convenient time to
> all
> > on a sunday afternoon. It's quite fun to share experiences with the
> > > Something does not compute.
> > Like what? Things not fitting in with your blinkered vision and train of
> > thought perhaps?
> > MS
Oliver Nikolic
DP-MAX Computers
BeoRocket Racing Team (retired)
But I did get the results before watching the race... who knew )my start page) would post the results. Oh well, at
least I knoew enough to stay away from auto racing news groups.
You should have known better.
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