On the contrary. Living in close proximity (Within 10 miles of Woking), I
happen to be rather happy to see the "Mac" men do their stuff again. We had
a great time last year watching Mikka and DC blast their mounts around the
streets of the town in celebration at the end of the season. Watching them
jump the traffic lights was quite amusing. If there is an Irish connection
(and as it happens, I do have emerald Isle *** within me) My allegiances
would lie with Mr Jordan and not some beligerant upstart who got lucky and
benefited from another drivers misfortune!
As far as individual drivers are concerned, I'm afraid to say that I'm
pretty indifferent to the majority of them these days. They simply come and
go, failing to inspire me in the same manner that their forerunners did! I
guess that some of these sanitised corporate drivers will be remembered and
revered by you and your kind for xenophobic reasons.
Still, as has been pointed out to me in no uncertain terms by others who
have posted in this thread, It was nieve of me to think that people would
follow honourable conventions such as using spoilers in their headers. I
concede this point and a lesson has been learned. I suppose that as long as
Usenet exists, there will always be ignorant ***s fully able, willing and
eager to***things up for others.
(A little wiser and more cynical about human nature and trust in others)
> > Thanks very much you ***ing idiot.
> You *** face are just pissed off because Irvine did not win!!!