most racing games, (esp GPL) and got a lot of thanks and a lot of flaming
for telling people to chill out re: GPL - a Sim / Arcade- GAME!
I'm gonna say it again people..
Where there is Software - there is Warez.
People will download software - so stop flaming them - it's going to achieve
I'm awaiting my pre-order of GP3 from - and havn't got the
b/width to download it - I honestly don't know if I would - probably not!
So - those of you who downloaded it - USE YOUR HEADS and don't brag about
it here - it's just gonna get tempers flaired...
Those of you who object to warez - USE YOUR HEADS and realise that nothing
you say can un-download something that's already on someones HDD!
And by the way - I've been thanked for having a reasonable attitude re: Most
things in RAS in the past - and I'll be posting my considered opinion on GP3
when it arrives on my doormat! I hope the people saying it's Good are
right, and those calling it gp2.5 are wrong - but frankly - It's 30 - and
I've been waiting for 3 years for this!