I have a Diamond Viper 550 AGP AND a Monster II in a PII 450 system.
In Viper Racing, the Diamond card beats the Voodoo II by 2fps. It also
looks better.
Overall feel in NFSIII is about the same.
They equally suck in Nascar Revolution. Or, I should say, Nascar
Revolution sucks equally with either card :)
It's really a toss up on my system. I use the one that crashes the
least :)
Oh, MTM2 doesn't seem to like the V2 (locks up in the 2D Menu's) but the
TNT works wonderfully.
Given 3dfx's business direction with V3, I think they are in for a hard
sell compared to D3D cards in the comming year.
> As far as DirectX v Glide - of course, Glide is quicker and ever more shall be
> so D3D uses not only uses COM (yuck) but also layers still more indirection
> below that. Glide goes straight to the point. This is why Windows 2000 will
> struggle to provide anything like the *** performance that Windows 98
> (yuck) can provide.