>> Partly incorrect ;-).
>> With HL2 I went to a friend with Internet connection and was able to
>> install
>> and set it up for off-line play.
>> It worked for about a month and, I don't know why, it ask me back to
>> connect.
>> (If someone know why it would ask to go back online, it could be
>> usefull if
>> I disconnect from the Web again)
>> I had 2 solutions:
>> - Moving my PC again to my friends place.
>> - Desinstall.
>> I selected the easiest.
> Any system that forces you to have to "talk" to a provider to keep it
> running is a VERY
> BAD THING. Aside from the privacy issues, what if the company goes
> belly up, dosen't release an unlock patch, and you get to sit with a
> dead game that you can no longer play?