Nascar road courses: impossible??

Mark McCue

Nascar road courses: impossible??

by Mark McCue » Mon, 19 Aug 1996 04:00:00

You mean the one that has a 'flop down' part like the icy bridge signs
except this one, when you flip it down, says; "...Unless You're Mowing
It" ... ?
See, that grass in the Loops grows Really Fast (vbg)

                C H A R L O T T E   M O T O R   S P E E D W A Y
       //       Mark (Difficult at Darlington) McCuen
      //            Caribou/IverSport #35 Hooters Monte Carlo
 ___/#D\__/  -   __   Papyrus Closed Beta Team (8/95)
[_()_35_()]  _ ---      ID: markmc
  //                      HCS/ProHCS

Eduardo Piovani Dia

Nascar road courses: impossible??

by Eduardo Piovani Dia » Thu, 29 Aug 1996 04:00:00

> >>>I was watching The glen today and I noticed that the cars looked
> >>>like they held the corners real well.

> Could it be that most of the *real* race car drivers have been doing this
> a few years?  Or could it be because they can better correct because they
> actually feel the car starting to slide?   Nah.  Silly me.

> >>>      I jumped in my ofice chair and the car would just not the glen.
> >>>And if I drove a bad corner and over steered a little it would wish
> >>>uncontollably. The track is like a gym floor! and the grass is like
> >>>When is saw rusty in the grass and it was really hard to turn
> >>>(really had to turn it hard).... the exact opposite on nasscar it
> >>>out if you just nudge it!
> >>>(comments?)

> Your setup and driving style needs work.

> >>I have the same PROBS! My car will spin uncontolabley until I hit the
> >>wall! If I have damage on FORGET IT! They better have them fixed in
> >>NASCAR2! It's some kind of TRACTION problem!  Oh well, we'll
> >>have to wait and see about NASCAR2 I guess!

> No, it's NOT a traction problem.  Like Kai, your setup and your driving
> needs work.  

>   Setup hint - make the car favor right-hand turns (and give it some more
>                      rear bias).

>   Driving hint - don't jam on the brakes and don't suddenly release them
>                        goes for accelerator).  

> Listen to the skidding sounds the car makes too.  That's the best
> for not actually being able to feel the car breaking loose.

> I can turn 119 mph laps at WG (with my race setup), and there are other
> kicking down low 120's.  Can you say "PRACTICE"?

        I must strongly disagree. The model physics of road courses in NASCAR and
ICR2 is far from the real world (at least in dry weather). Ask any
professional driver.

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